crafted by photobiz

Meet Melissa

Welcome to Melissa Morelli Photography, thank you for viewing my work. Feel free to pull up a chair and stay awhile, I am happy to have you here.  Here is my best shot of describing…well, me.

I am Melissa Anne Morelli. I added the “e” unofficially to my middle name back when I was obsessed with the Anne of Green Gables book series when I was 10.

I am a daughter with two amazingly wonderful parents who have been dating since my mom re-routed her path in school hallways to catch a glimpse of the Senior boy she had checked out in her older brother’s yearbook. Yes, my parents are high school sweethearts who are still crazy happy after 44 years of marriage. Inspiration at its finest.

I am a wife to my Damon. We met twelve years ago and I cannot remember life without him. He was friends with my dad through their love of the outdoors, so getting the parental approval was built in. Gotta love it.

I am a mother to my six year old daughter, Cambrie Loren. She is named after both of our fathers and is a perfect combination between the two of us. Everyday she makes us feel like the luckiest people in the world and she has brought new meaning to us in ways unimaginable. Pure bliss.

I am a photographer who thrives on creativity and capturing people just as they are. Photos hold memories, emotions and time all wrapped into one.  And I am honored to assist clients with finding the images that help define them.
